Deutsche Bank Webinar - Time for Differentiation

Each year, SquareWell Partners (“SquareWell”) publishes a study – The Playing Field – reviewing how 50 of the world’s largest asset managers (“Top 50”) are factoring governance and sustainability considerations within their investment decisionmaking processes and their approach to stewarding portfolio companies. Deutsche Bank Webinar - Time for Differentiation

Each year, SquareWell Partners (“SquareWell”) publishes a study – The Playing Field – reviewing how 50 of the world’s largest asset managers (“Top 50”) are factoring governance and sustainability considerations within their investment decisionmaking processes and their approach to stewarding portfolio companies. This year’s study demonstrates that investors may have reached the saturation point of visible governance and sustainability integration, and are now seeking opportunities for differentiation through other means.

SquareWell’s study shows three areas of differentiation have emerged within the Top 50: 1) how to leverage external inputs; 2) whether to vocalise discontent and support:
and 3) how to communicate their agenda. The session will also focus on areas such as activism, say on climate and topics to look out for in 2023.

Representatives from SquareWell will share their observations during this webinar, which is hosted by Deutsche Bank Depositary Receipts. There will also be opportunity for questions and answers.

Marine Esperandieu
SquareWell Partners
Anais Sachiko Gaiffe
SquareWell Partners
Andrew Brady
SquareWell Partners
Carmen Ng
SquareWell Partners
Date and Time: 16 December 2022 8:00 am GMT

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