2019 – A Developing Year for Activism

Following a new report from Activist Insight, activism situations have decreased but are changing. 08 July 2019 2019 – A Developing Year for Activism

A report from ActivistInsight has demonstrated 2019 as a developmental year for activism, which has tempted traditional investors to take tougher public stances and giving optimism for new campaigns in Asian markets.

Activism situations are down some 16% from the same point last year, ActivistInsight’s Josh Black puts it down to uncertainty leading to quick settlements with the number of fights for board seats falling and management successfully defending becoming the norm.

More US activists have been active in the UK so far in 2019, SquareWell Partners’ Ali Saribas attributes the flock of outside activists to the UK on the “depreciation of the pound and the sophistication of the UK capital market.” Ali Saribas also pointed to an increase in the number of contested M&A situations as a percentage of all activist demands, increasing from 11% to 15% as a sign the developing landscape.

You can access the full report here (subscription required).


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