Shareholder Activism in Korea
Bae, Kim & Lee and SquareWell Partners to host a Seminar for Korean corporates on Shareholder Activism
The Korean market has seen major changes in the corporate management environment arising from the emergence of activist funds, establishment of the Korea Stewardship Code and the consequent proactive exercise of shareholder rights by institutional shareholders, as well as regulatory amendments in the capital markets. Companies should devise strategies to enhance their governance and capital structure, ESG investment and enterprise value, understand shareholders’ preferences, and effectively address potential disputes concerns. Bae, Kim & Lee LLC, the top legal advisor dealing with shareholder activism, together with SquareWell Partners, ESG strategy and shareholder advisory firm, invite you to our client seminar to discuss the market outlook on and strategies to navigate the increasingly “active” shareholders.
During the Seminar, there will also a be a Panel Discussion whereby senior experts discuss the “Korean Discount” & Active Shareholders. The session will be co-moderated by SquareWell Partners and Bae, Kim & Lee.