
Read the latest investor-focused insights from our team on a broad range of topics ranging from activism to sustainability. Please note that we share our Insights only with companies, investors, and law firms.

Activism in the UK: Public Pressure and 'Vote No' Campaigns Fuel Resurgence
12 October 2021 Activism in the UK: Public Pressure and 'Vote No' Campaigns Fuel Resurgence

In the period under review, a resurgence of activity (46 campaigns at 42 companies, versus 24 campaigns at 24 companies in the previous 12-month period) was led by a higher level of campaigns at FTSE 250 and AIM listed companies. FTSE 100 companies were not excluded from activist interest with public pressure seen at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Rolls-Royce, by Elliott and Causeway Capital, respectively.

2021 Market Update: Capital Allocation, Activism, Governance and E&S Trends
05 October 2021 2021 Market Update: Capital Allocation, Activism, Governance and E&S Trends

A look at the largest 100 companies in the US and Europe shows that 75% have increased their dividend to be paid out of 2020 earnings compared to 2019. Share buybacks, however, have not yet picked-up.

What's Been Said on Climate - A Global Review
19 July 2021 What's Been Said on Climate - A Global Review

A global review of the different approaches taken by companies that have voluntarily adopted a Say on Climate (SoC) vote or have received a shareholder proposal demanding that a SoC process be instituted.

Activism in Japan: Appreciating Differences to Unlock Value
29 June 2021 Activism in Japan: Appreciating Differences to Unlock Value

Enacting change in corporate Japan can be an uphill battle and activist shareholders need to be prepared to revisit some of their tactics and modus operandi in order to meet objectives.


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