ICGN Investor Viewpoint: The Assurance of Sustainability Reporting

Many jurisdictions are adopting mandatory requirements for companies to report sustainability information, notably in accordance with global standards. This is something investors have been calling for, as they need high quality and comparable corporate sustainability disclosures to make informed investment, risk management, and stewardship decisions. 17 August 2024 ICGN Investor Viewpoint: The Assurance of Sustainability Reporting

SquareWell Partners contributes to ICGN’s latest Investor Viewpoint on the Assurance of Sustainability Reporting. The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) emphasizes the growing importance of reliable sustainability reporting for informed investment and stewardship decisions. As global standards evolve, investors increasingly demand high-quality, comparable sustainability disclosures, but concerns about “greenwashing” persist. Independent third-party assurance is crucial to build trust in these reports.

The Investor Viewpoint, which SquareWell contributed to, outlines the importance of robust governance and internal controls in sustainability reporting, urging companies to prepare these disclosures with the same rigor as financial statements. As the field matures, reasonable assurance of sustainability information is expected to become the standard, helping investors make better decisions and hold companies accountable.

The full Investor Viewpoint can be downloaded here.


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