France - Executive Pay Remains in Focus

Shareholders decide on executives' ability to receive their variable pay 09 April 2018 France - Executive Pay Remains in Focus

2019 – SquareWell – Survey – Active Managers and Activism

Louis Barbier has commented to Les Echos regarding the upcoming French Proxy season, which marks the fourth year since the first Say on Pay vote in France. Louis commented that even though institutional shareholders would like to focus on different governance topics, executive pay still remains as the most heated topic as it serves as a “proxy” to other governance flaws at the companies they have invested in.

Going further than any other market, and for the first time this year, a new regulation enforces that variable pay be only awarded upon shareholders’ approval of the separate vote on the remuneration report. As such, investors can really weigh-in on whether they see a link between pay and performance.

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